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SEARCH MARKETING BLOGGER brings you up-to-date news, opinions, links and digital, search and social media marketing tips from industry leading sources from all over the world. We welcome your comments and participation.

Editor, Darren Hughes is the Head of US Operations for Digital Clarity, a digital marketing agency specializing in the strategy and implementation of Search, Social, SMS and Email campaigns.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Overwhelmed by Social Media Marketing?

It's pretty much human nature to become confused and overwhelmed by something which is new, huge and vital to your survival. Social Media Marketing is exactly that.

So, for those of you looking for some clear, concise, yet thorough pointers on the do's & don't of Social Media Marketing, this could be your lucky day.

Today, Search Engine Journal have published an excellant article that goes into great depth on the subject of how businesses should (and shouldn't) social social to grow their business.

Read on...

Okay, I admit that at first light, social media marketing (SMM) may appear like child’s play. After all, what is there to it? Create a bunch of profiles, Digg a little, Stumble a bit and you are set, right? Wrong! That is the exact attitude that can kill your social media campaign (and dreams) before it can begin.

I don’t mean to suggest that it is beyond a social media novice to successfully carry out a marketing campaign. Armed with enough knowledge, I am fairly certain, even a novice will be able to pull it off. Nor am I making it out to be more complex than rocket science. However, approaching it with a complacent attitude definitely won’t be helpful. Social media, as much ‘fun’ as it is, is not without rules. And successful social media marketing is possible only if one, pro or novice, follows these rules.

1. Build a strong social network. So, you have a profile on Twitter, so, it has over thousands followers. You pat yourself on your back for building such a strong social network. Boy, are you ever so wrong? Have you taken care to ascertain how many of these thousands of followers are legit? And how often do you interact with your followers, respond to the tweets you receive? Less than positive answers to either of these questions mean that despite the impressive number of followers, your social network is as weak as it can get. Interact with your network, only that can ensure your network is as true to you as you want it to be and that your message is conveyed successfully.

2. Expend your effort building the trust quotient of your site. If yours is not a trusted site, set about working on improving the areas it is found lacking in. When you engage in SMM, you are inviting the entire world to scrutinize your site, if you think it won’t be able to stand up it, wait until you are ready to launch you campaign. You can start by ensuring your site is clean of harmful viruses and spammy links.

For full article, click here http://www.searchenginejournal.com/do’s-don’ts-of-social-media-marketing/18292/

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